Reiki mastery Level III - USUI
Date and time is TBD
|Location is TBD

Time & Location
Date and time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the event
Welcome to Reiki Mastery Level III - Usui
First I would like to thank you for taking the time to show up for yourself, and HUmanity. What an honor and a gift to be alive!
My name, by birth, is Haven MorningStar. I come from a lineage of healers and feelers directly related to consciousness of Venus and the Andromedan Galaxy. What this has meant within my own experience, is that there was a big part of me that walked in this way. Meaning, my oath wasn’t born from hardship and trauma, but of incredible love and light. I was born with the gift of sentient sight, knowing, and my nadis were full tilt flowing with empathy codes.
I had to grow into my gift. Which meant I had to sit with IT, inside my I, until I could learn my WHY, for myself. We all have these shelves of…